F Victoria Memorial, Kolkata - BLACKWHEEL BIKERS CLUB

Victoria Memorial, Kolkata

The Victoria Memorial is a huge marble working in Kolkata, which was worked somewhere in the range of 1906 and 1921. It is devoted to the memory of Empress Victoria, and is currently a historical center under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Culture. The commemoration lies on the Maidan and is one of the renowned landmarks of Kolkata.

History :

In January 1901, on the demise of Queen Victoria at that point Lord Curzon, proposed the formation of a fitting dedication. Master Curzon proposed the development of a great structure with a gallery and nurseries. Curzon said, "Let us, in this manner, have a structure, impressive, extensive, amazing and great, to which each newbie in Kolkata will turn, to which all the inhabitant populace, European and Native, will rush, where all classes will gain proficiency with the exercises of history, and see resuscitated before their eyes the wonders of the past.

The Prince of Wales, established the framework stone on 4 January 1906, and it was officially opened to the general population in 1921.

In 1912, preceding the development of the Victoria Memorial was done, King George V declared the exchange of the capital of India from Kolkata to New Delhi. Accordingly, the Victoria Memorial was implicit what might be a commonplace city as opposed to a capital.

The development of the Victoria Memorial was postponed by Curzon's takeoff from India in 1905 with a resulting loss of neighborhood eagerness for the task, and by the requirement for testing of the establishments. The Victoria Memorial's establishment stone was set in 1906 and the structure opened in 1921. Crafted by development was depended to Messrs. Martin and Co. of Kolkata. Work on the superstructure started in 1910. After 1947, a few augmentations were made into the Memorial.

Plan and Architecture:

The Victoria Memorial's designer was William Emerson (1843–1924). The plan is in the Indo-Saracenic Pentecostal style which utilizes a combination of British and Mughal components with Venetian, Egyptian, Deccani design impacts. The structure is 338 by 228 feet (103 by 69 m) and ascends to a stature of 184 feet (56 m). It is developed of white Makrana marble. The nurseries of the Victoria Memorial were planned by Lord Redesdale and David Prain. Emerson's collaborator, Vincent Jerome Esch, planned the scaffold of the north angle and the nursery entryways. In 1902, Emerson connected with Esch to draw his unique plan for the Victoria Memorial.

On the focal vault of the Victoria Memorial is the 16 ft (4.9 m) figure of the Angel of Victory. Encompassing the vault are symbolic models including Art, Architecture, Justice, and Charity or more the North Porch are Motherhood, Prudence and Learning. 

The Victoria Memorial is worked of white Makrana marble. In plan it echoes the Taj Mahal with its arch, four auxiliaries, octagonal-domed chattris, high gateways, porch, and domed corner towers.

Historical Centre:

he Victoria Memorial has 25 exhibitions. These incorporate the regal exhibition, the public chiefs display, the picture exhibition, focal corridor, the model exhibition, the arms and ordnance display and the more up to date, Kolkata exhibition. The Victoria Memorial has the biggest single assortment of crafted by Thomas Daniell (1749–1840) and his nephew, William Daniell (1769–1837). It likewise has an assortment of uncommon and classicist books, for example, the outlined works of William Shakespeare, the Arabian Nights and the Rubaiyat by Omar Khayyam just as books about kathak dance and thumri music by Nawab Wajid Ali Shah. Be that as it may, the displays and their shows, the automatic components of the commemoration don't contend with the simply design spaces or voids.

Victoria Gallery:

The Victoria Gallery shows various pictures of Empress Victoria and Prince Albert, and canvases delineating their lives, by Jansen and Winterhalter. The oil compositions are duplicates of those in London. They include: Victoria accepting the ceremony at her crowning liturgy in Westminster Abbey (June 1838); Victoria's union with Albert in the Chapel Royal at St James' Palace (1840); the initiating of the Prince of Wales in Windsor Castle (1842); the marriage of Edward VII to Princess Alexandra (1863); Victoria at the First Jubilee administration at Westminster Abbey (1887) and the Second Jubilee administration at St. Paul's Cathedral (June 1897). Sovereign Victoria's youth rosewood pianoforte and her correspondence work area from Windsor Castle remain in the focal point of the room. Edward VII introduced these things to the Victoria Memorial. On the south divider hangs the Russian craftsman Vasily Vereshchagin's oil painting of the state section of Edward VII in Jaipur in 1876.

Kolkata Gallery:

During the 1970s, the matter of another exhibition gave to the visual history of Kolkata was advanced by Saiyid Nurul Hasan, the pastor for instruction. In 1986, Hasan turned into the legislative leader of West Bengal and executive of the leading body of trustees of the Victoria Memorial. In November 1988, Hasan facilitated a worldwide workshop on the Historical points of view for the Kolkata tercentenary. The Kolkata exhibition idea was concurred and a plan was created prompting the kickoff of the display in 1992. The Kolkata exhibition houses a visual presentation of the set of experiences and improvement of Kolkata, when the capital of India was moved to New Delhi. The exhibition additionally has a daily existence size lifelike model of Chitpur street in the late 1800. 


The nurseries at the Victoria remembrance cover 64 sections of land (260,000 m2) and are kept up by a group of 21 grounds-keepers. They were planned by Redesdale and David Prain. On Esch's scaffold, between story boards by Goscombe John, there is a bronze sculpture of Victoria, by George Frampton. Sovereign Victoria is situated on her seat. In the cleared quadrangles and somewhere else around the structure, different sculptures honor Hastings, Charles Cornwallis, first Marquess Cornwallis, Robert Clive, Arthur Wellesley, and James Broun-Ramsay, first Marquess of Dalhousie. Toward the south of the Victoria Memorial building is the Edward VII commemoration curve. The curve has a bronze equestrian sculpture of Edward VII by Bertram Mackennal and a marble sculpture of Curzon by F. W. Pomeroy. The nursery additionally contains sculptures of Lord William Bentinck, lead representative general of India (1833–1835), George Robinson, first Marquess of Ripon, lead representative general of India (1880–84), and Rajendra Nath Mookerjee, a pioneer industrialist of Bengal. Following a request for the West Bengal High Court in 2004, a section charge was forced for the nurseries, a choice invited by the overall population with the exception of few voices of dispute.


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